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How Often do Dental Implants Need to Be Replaced?


If you have been recommended for dental implants, you may wonder if they will ever have to be replaced. Implants are a permanent restorative solution for patients seeking that perfect smile. Dental implants look and feel natural in the mouth, and last upwards of 25 years if they are cared for properly.

At Prime Dental, dental implants are one of the most common restorative options done in our dental office in Bedford, TX. Many patients are leaning towards this permanent option to give them a durable smile that will last for years. Dental implants can last your entire life, and they are one of the most reliable tooth restoration options available to patients.

However, some patients have asked us if having their teeth cleaned regularly can damage the enamel on our teeth. We hope that this article can help address this common concern.

How Successful Are Dental Implants?

Implants have a 95% success rate, and we encourage patients to use good oral hygiene habits to keep the implants clean and free of plaque. This helps the implants to last, and prevents infection which can make them unstable in the mouth. Implants moving or needing replacement is rare. If an implant shifts out of place this could indicate the bone tissue is not providing enough support, and you should contact our dental office in Bedford, Texas immediately.

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Tips to Ensure your Dental Implants Last a Lifetime

Here are some helpful tips that you can start using to get the most out of your dental implants:

  • Floss daily using an implant specific floss or wax free floss to help keep the area clean and free of plaque. A Waterpik Water Flosser can be used to assist in removing plaque around the implants.
  • Use a low abrasive tooth brush such as a soft type brush on your implants.
  • Avoid any products, foods, or drinks containing any ingredients that may stain your teeth.
  • Anti-microbial rinses can be used to help reduce inflammation and prevent infection.
  • Avoid products that contain stannous fluoride, sodium fluoride, or baking soda. These ingredients can make the implants prone to corrosion.
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Contact Prime Dental in Bedford, TX

Caring for your implants at home is similar to caring for your natural teeth. Practicing good oral hygiene habits at home will ensure your implants last for years and never need to be replaced. Dr. Manish Patel‘s friendly team is here to help you achieve the smile you have always wanted. We are always available to answer questions and help you every step of the way.

If you are interested in finding out more about dental implants in Bedford, TX and how they may benefit you, contact Prime Dental to schedule your consultation with Dr. Manish Patel

What is the Difference Between Dental Implants & Veneers?

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Dental Veneers and Dental Implants both can give patients a beautiful white smile. Deciding what restorative or cosmetic option works best for you depends on the condition of your teeth. Our staff at Prime Dental in Bedford, TX provides cosmetic and restorative consultations to all our patients to take a detailed look at your mouth and determine a customized treatment plan that works for you. We listen to your goals and look at all options to give you the opportunity to choose the best one.

So, what is the difference between the two? Typically, Dental Veneers and Dental Implants are used for different reasons. This all depends on how much damage a patient has to their teeth.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental Implants are the leading restorative solution for many patients and one of the most common procedures done today. Implants are permanent and reliable giving patients the feeling that they have natural teeth. Implants are used for patients that have lost a tooth or teeth, have suffered from periodontal disease, or an injury. Dental implants take multiple appointments across a few months to complete.

Implants last upwards of 25 years or a lifetime if taken care for properly. They provide many benefits to patients, and are comfortable in the mouth. Implants allow patients to speak, eat, and function just like they would with natural teeth.

As part of our evaluation process, Dr. Manish Patel will determine if the patient has enough bone present in the jaw to support the implants. If needed, bone grafting can be done to provide the additional support. During the implant procedure metal posts are placed in the jaw, and these act similar to artificial tooth roots. These posts provide the required support needed for the implants. Once the healing process is complete, an abutment or connector is secured on top of the implants. This allows the crown to be secured on top of the implant.

Crowns are custom made to match the color, size, and shape of your teeth. Temporary crowns are used while the patient waits for the permanent crown to be placed. Practicing good oral hygiene habits and visiting our office regularly will help to keep your implants looking and feeling great.

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Still Not Sure? Contact Our Cosmetic Dentist in Bedford, TX

Choosing the best option is important, and our team at Prime Dental is here to help give you all of the options available to achieve that bright white smile. We welcome all patients, and strive to always provide quality service our patients can count on.

If you are interested in finding out more about Dental Veneers or are looking to get dental implants in Bedford, TX, please contactDr. Manish Patel today to schedule your consultation.

Dental Emergencies

Symptoms Of Gums Pain. A Man With A Worried Face Is Holding His Hand On His Cheek Because Of Irritating Pain In Front Of A Dentist Who Is Going To Give A Patient A Treatment.

Dental emergencies can affect anyone at any time. Emergencies can cause severe pain, distress and frustration regarding your dental and oral health. If left untreated, an emergency can become an even more insidious problem, requiring additional work and even surgery.


Most common dental emergency is Toothache. Most Toothache happens due to big decay (cavity) that may lead to tooth abscess. Sometimes it can occur due to periodontal (gum) abscess where you haven’t had a cleaning done for a long time. Other common dental emergencies are broken or fractured tooth and knocked out tooth.


Try to stay calm and do not panic.

Most dental emergencies are extremely painful so first, take some pain medicines such as Advil or Tylenol. Make sure you’re not allergenic to the pain medicine you’re taking. Advil contains 200mgs of Ibuprofen, so you can take up to 3-4 tablets (600-800mgs Ibuprofen) at the same time, do not exceed more than 3200mgs in 24 hrs.

Rinse with warm salt water and put some ice pack on cheek closest to broken tooth or abscess area.

Avoid eating too hot, too hard or too spicy food, and chew on the other side of your mouth. Be gentle with brushing and flossing in that area.

Call your dentist immediately to schedule an appointment ASAP. If you have a huge swelling, excessive bleeding at night or during weekends and you can’t see your regular dentist, then go to the nearest Emergency Room.



It is very crucial to find a skilled dentist who can get you out of pain right away and treat you like a family member. While looking for a dentist, look for their reviews, and ask what latest technologies are at the practice.

exploring the child’s bite or observing the position of the maxillary bones with each other and in the whole. Although the child’s rash and bite are correct, it is important to perform annual checkups to follow the entire process of dental replacement in the oral cavity. Children should go to the dentist or specialist for the first time, to the pediatric dentist, every year since the first teeth erupt (at 6 months). These appointments are important to be able to diagnose with time any series of changes in the oral cavity that may go unnoticed by the child’s parents.


The best way to prevent a dental emergency is to see your dentist regularly. The recommended appointment schedule is a check up every 6 months. Other ways dental emergencies can be prevented are:

  • Wearing a mouth guard during sports or physical activities.
  • Avoid eating excessive hard food and ice cubes.
  • Do not try to open objects (bottles, cans, packaging, etc.) with your teeth; it may turn into very expensive and painful endeavor.
Why Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Needed

Orthodontics In Children, When Is It Necessary And What Should We Know?

Young Braces


Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry which is based on diagnosing, treating and preventing dental malpositions and maxillary malocclusions. In addition, orthodontics in children can diagnose a whole series of problems that can occur during growth, both at the bone level and dental replacement. During the development of the child there are a series of changes which can favor to cure or prevent some malocclusions in advanced ages and can also be treated quickly and easily.

Anteroposterior growth of the arcades occurs. The arches grow in the antero-posterior direction, more molars erupt distally. There is a presence of interdental spaces. These are space reserves and may be due to the transverse growth of the jaws. In temporary dentition, the interincisive angle is greater (the incisive teeth are very straight, the permanent ones are more inclined towards the vestibule. Therefore, the greater the inclination, the greater the space. It may seem that the permanent teeth are much larger than the temporary teeth that they replace, and this happens in the anterior sector (in the incisors) but in the lateral sector we find the so-called drift space. The definitive teeth are not larger than the temporal ones, for example the premolars are smaller than the temporal molars.

Orthodontics In Children, When Is It Necessary And What Should We Know

There are many more therapeutic possibilities of orthodontics than in other ages because during childhood there are all circumstances which are very favorable.


Orthodontic specialists advise that the first revision with the orthodontist is recommended between 5 and 7 years of age. It is between this age when the dental replacement has begun and the jaws are in full growth. During the reviews with the orthodontist, he explores both the extraoral and the intraoral part of the child. It focuses on the observation of the eruption of the teeth, being able to see whether or not it corresponds to the child’s age, as well as exploring the child’s bite or observing the position of the maxillary bones with each other and in the whole. Although the child’s rash and bite are correct, it is important to perform annual checkups to follow the entire process of dental replacement in the oral cavity. Children should go to the dentist or specialist for the first time, to the pediatric dentist, every year since the first teeth erupt (at 6 months). These appointments are important to be able to diagnose with time any series of changes in the oral cavity that may go unnoticed by the child’s parents.


In the childhood ages, the maxillary bones and all the bones of the face are in development, so forces can be applied to them and their growth can be modified to correct any pathology and also achieve more harmonic facial proportions. It is important to know that once the growth is finished, the treatment of bone malocclusions that affect the bones of the face can only be performed by orthognathic surgery. Also in children some temporary teeth are replaced by definitive teeth which are of a size, mesio-distal, smaller than those of milk. So there is a surplus space that may be necessary to perform some type of dental movement and correct the malocclusion established.

On the other hand, the habits that children perform can cause the appearance of dental malocclusions since they prevent the correct growth of facial bones and cause an imbalance of facial proportions. Some of the habits are: thumb sucking, oral breathing, atypical swallowing, among many others. All this series of habits means that malocclusions such as the previous open bite can be established, by thumb sucking or atypical swallowing, a cross bite, by the presence of oral breathing and atypical swallowing since there is no stimulation of the palate by the language.


Orthodontics in children’s ages can be interceptive, functional or corrective. Interceptive orthodontics is the one that prevents more serious subsequent pathologies. It is only based on making movements with a few teeth controlling the space, habits and dysfunctions in children, such as digital suction, oral breathing or the presence of a pacifier or bottle at ages of more than 2 years. Functional orthodontics is intended to focus craniofacial growth towards a correct position and achieve stability in it, even when the bones are growing. Finally, corrective orthodontics is based on treating malocclusion that is already established by applying different forces with orthodontic appliances. This type of orthodontics is usually performed when there is a definitive dentition or in the final part of the mixed dentition replacement. Thus, the orthodontic treatment varies depending on the age of the child and the type of alteration or habit that is present and that must be corrected. It is important that before starting an orthodontic treatment a complete extraoral and intraoral study of the child is done to analyze all kinds of alterations, as well as an exhaustive exploration of the functions and habits of children.

Why Do Teeth Experience Gum Infections?

Man Touching Sore Gum

It is common to see the third molars being the focus of an infection, whether visible or not.

  • Wisdom teeth are more likely to become infected when they come out partially (semi-included) or completely in the mouth. Poor oral hygiene allowing the accumulation of dental plaque is an important cause of infection in the wisdom teeth region. The formation of tooth decay also contributes to the spread of infection in the tooth and its environment.
Teeth Experience Gum Infections
  • When still under the gum (tooth included), a wisdom tooth can also become infected even in the absence of symptoms and therefore without the person being aware of it, especially at the early stage of infection.


o             pain accompanied by other symptoms described below;

o             swelling of the gum (swelling) or an abscess surrounding the tooth or that is located in the back of the mouth. The person may even sometimes have difficulty swallowing, be swollen near the eye or have a congested nose due to swelling in the gum;

o             redness (inflammation) or localized feeling of heat near the tooth;

o             presence of pus (suppuration) flowing near the tooth;

o             persistent bad taste in the mouth or chronic bad breath (halitosis);

o             feeling of pulsation in or near the affected tooth;

o             swollen glands in the neck, when the person is not already suffering from another disease;

o             fever not associated with any other disease.

It should be noted that if an infection associated with a wisdom tooth, or any other tooth, spreads, it can generate various symptoms far from the focus of infection and cause other symptoms. In the most severe cases, systemic problems can occur, such as a blood infection (bacteremia, sepsis, etc.) which can cause death.

o             Any sign of infection in the mouth must therefore be taken seriously!

o             The presence of a more or less large and painful bump in the mouth or visible on the face, either around a wisdom tooth which has erupted or which is included. Besides, it is not uncommon to see cysts or benign tumors around an included wisdom tooth.

o             A pressure, throbbing or pulsating feeling near the ears, in the TMJ or jaw.

A pain in the cheeks , especially if the wisdom teeth grow so that their crown tip to the outside of the jaw and that irritates the inside of the cheek or there is the presence of swelling or a cyst on the side of the cheek.

o             A limitation of mandibular opening , that is to say when a person has difficulty opening the mouth while he or she normally opened it or difficulty chewing, especially in the back of the mouth.

o             A stiff jaw is often felt, as well as the inability to close the teeth completely together, while it was possible to do before.

Periodontal Diseases – A Full Guide

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To treat gingivitis it is recommended to pay special attention to oral hygiene. To do this, techniques such as professional cleaning with instruments that guarantee deep hygiene are suggested.

Why Choose A Removable Partial Denture

What diseases do we treat?

The alteration of the balance of the bacteria that inhabit the mouth and the accumulation of bacterial plaque can cause inflammation and bleeding in the gums and lead to diseases known as periodontal (because they affect the periodontium, the tissue that supports the tooth):

  • Gingivitis: It is an inflammatory gum reaction of a reversible nature. It is the most frequent types of periodontal disease. It is understood as an infection and inflammation that destroys the supportive tissues that support the teeth, among which are the gums, periodontal ligations and dental alveoli (alveolar bone). If gingivitis is not treated, it can evolve and progress to periodontitis.
  • Periodontitis: It is an inflammation and infection of the links and bones that support the teeth. Periodontitis happens when a gum infection (gingivitis) is not treated. Although not all gingivitis progress to periodontitis, all periodontitis does originate with gingivitis. This disease is characterized by alterations in color, texture and shape of the gum, as well as bleeding or retraction of the gum with a clear exposure of the dental root. Due to inflammation, gum pockets are formed that fill with dental plaque. This causes the inflammation to continue until they end up damaging the bone and tissues around the tooth. In adults, periodontitis becomes the leading cause related to tooth decay.

With the arrival of implantology, periodontics becomes responsible for preventing and also treating peri-implant diseases, which involve inflammation and infection of the tissues that support dental implants.

Origin of inflammation

Why its appearance?

The onset and progression of periodontal diseases depend on the following causes:

  • Bacteria: Plaque is a sticky material composed of bacteria, mucus and food waste that accumulates on the outer parts of the teeth. Its accumulation has some long-term effects, among others, the inflammation or infection of the gums that becomes the main cause of the development of this type of diseases.
  • Aggravating factors: There are a number of factors that can aggravate the onset of periodontal diseases, for example, smoking or diseases such as diabetes. The results of a recent study indicate that individuals with diabetes are more likely to suffer from periodontitis than individuals who do not suffer from this disease.

Treatment techniques

How to treat periodontal disease?

To treat gingivitis it is recommended to pay special attention to oral hygiene. To do this, techniques such as professional cleaning with instruments that guarantee deep hygiene are suggested. This technique should be accompanied by proper and complete oral hygiene at home, avoiding as much as possible the accumulation of bacteria in the gums. The use of antimicrobial substances can help make that purpose more effective. As for periodontitis, the treatment also goes through a deep cleaning, both in a professional clinic and at home, to avoid in the same way the accumulation of bacteria that do nothing but worsen the progression of the disease. After an initial assessment by specialists, treatment may require surgical intervention in order to slow the progression of the disease and correct the aesthetic defects that may have arisen.

Postoperative Guidelines

What to do after an intervention?

After a periodontal intervention, specialists recommend:

  • Apply ice to the affected area to reduce inflammation.
  • Sleep with your head slightly raised.
  • Follow a soft diet and at room temperature.
  • Apply petroleum jelly at the corner of your lips if you feel discomfort.
  • Reduce physical activity during the first days.
  • Do not smoke at any time during the first 7 days.
  • Limit alcohol intake during the first 4 days.

Periodontal treatment at the Hospital in Barcelona

A favorable control of periodontal disease requires a program aimed at maintaining and improving the results of the initial treatment, as well as preventing the appearance of new conditions. The prevention or detection of periodontal diseases in early stages is the only way to ensure their control.


Orthodontics At An Early Age

Orthodontics At An Early Age

Most children are born with healthy and strong teeth, but as the age progresses, they move away from proper care, hygiene and a balanced diet, which has a decisive impact on their oral health. The mouth needs a correct maintenance that is different in each individual according to their specific circumstances. This is where parents should pay special attention and see a professional to monitor whether dental growth is adequate or corrective measures must be taken. While an orthodontist can improve a smile at any age, there is an optimal period of time to start treatment. Usually, this moment is in the last stage of mixed dentition or at the beginning of permanent dentition and before the end of growth, that is, as in any aspect related to health, good prevention prevents future complications.

The American Dental Association as well as other national and international associations of orthodontists recommend that the first visit to the specialist be from 7 years, since it is from that age when the first permanent molars come out and the basic structure of the bite. The early detection of these problems allows us to plan a more effective treatment to obtain a correct masticatory function and a beautiful smile. The orthodontist should evaluate the antero-posterior (forward-backward) and transverse (width ratio) position of the teeth and jaws. For example, the way to hatch the incisors may indicate an increased overbite (deep bite), an open bite, a cross bite, crowding or gingival smile (show a lot of gum).

In addition to these, prevention provides other positive factors such as reducing the chances of having to remove dental pieces and it will also be of great help in correcting habit problems such as digital suction, which arises because the Child has a habit of sucking his finger. Another problem of habit that corrects prevention is swallowing problems in children who, when swallowing food, the tongue obstructs the gap between the teeth and does not let them reach contact and do not completely seal the lips.

As for teenagers, they are a group of patients with whom special care must be taken since they are more aware of their aesthetics. The most common problems in young people are the crowding and dental separation that are corrected with a studied orthodontic treatment. They may also have skeletal problems where the maxillary bones usually have a different size, and there is a bad fit of the dental arches that can be reflected on the face, which are corrected with a dental treatment, a treatment by which it is guided facial growth through brackets and other fixed or removable devices. Finally, more and more adults are interested in the different orthodontic processes mainly for aesthetic reasons, but the starting point is different from that of a child patient since the bones in adults no longer grow, some loss has been possible of dental pieces or even the bone that supports the teeth.



What Is The Difference Between A Dentist And An Orthodontist?

What Is The Difference Between A Dentist And An Orthodontist

Orthodontists and dentist are both professionals that help patients improve their oral health. However, both their professions are different in their own way. Dentistry is a medical specialty that deals with teeth, gums, nerves and the jaw, whereas orthodontics is a field within dentistry that deals with correcting jaw structure, occlusion and the straightens the teeth. One major difference between the both is that, all orthodontists are dentists however, not all dentists are orthodontists.

What is the similarity between a dentist and an orthodontist?

The main similarity between the both is that they both focus on oral care. An orthodontist can work in an office and yet provide the same services as a dentist. This makes the both similar. They are doctors and are known to deal with the teeth and gums.

Why are they termed differently?

Orthodontists and dentists are more different rather than the same. An orthodontist needs to take up extra schooling and training as a dental specialty. It is exactly like how a doctor has to take up extra schooling to become a surgeon. Another difference is that orthodontists specially focus on helping patients who have a misalignment of their teeth, have trouble in their bite or fitting corrective braces. On the contrary, dentists are particularly experts in oral hygiene, tooth decay, root canals, gum diseases, teeth whitening, bridges, etc.

What does an orthodontist help with?

An orthodontist helps with crooked teeth however they also help with other issues as well. These issues include overbites and underbites, crossbites, spaces between the teeth, overcrowding of the teeth and treatments of temporomandibular disorders. Other problems with the jaw are also treated by an orthodontist. A dentist may be trained to provide orthodontic care along with extractions, TMJ treatments and fillings. But it is best to trust your smile to an orthodontist as he can better balance the formation of your teeth and address the different procedures that you may require.