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Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

Prime Dental located in Grand Prairie, Texas!

What are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are artificial teeth placed between two or more teeth to cover the gaps. It is a kind of restoration procedure wherein the gaps are filled by replacing the broken or flawed tooth and fixing a false tooth. This false tooth or teeth can be made with various materials, but Porcelain is the most commonly used material. This material easily blends with the color of your teeth, making them all even. 

The pricing of this type of restoration depends on several reasons like the type of material used, the number of teeth required to be made, how difficult they are to place, the location of the teeth, or any other dental condition. This bridge is placed over the surrounding teeth, and the middle portion covers the missing tooth or teeth. This material simply fits over the teeth above the gum line.

Why would Dental Bridges be needed?

Dental bridges are used when you are not willing to go for the dental implant, as this requires no surgery. They are needed when you have gaps between one or more teeth. This missing can be due to various reasons like any infection in the tooth, severe decay, or any accident which left this tooth missing. There are other problems also because of which we recommend dental bridges. If the space is kept as it is, it can lead to the overgrowth of the opposite side teeth growing unevenly. This will cause further problems like chewing and biting and affect your confidence. To avoid all these problems, dental bridges are needed.

Dental Bridge in Grand Prairie, TX, 75052, Dental Bridge Near me, Dental Bridge Open today, Dental Bridge in Grand Prairie, Dental Bridge in Texas, 75052, Dental Bridge 75052
Dental Bridge in Grand Prairie, TX, 75052, Dental Bridge Near me, Dental Bridge Open today, Dental Bridge in Grand Prairie, Dental Bridge in Texas, 75052, Dental Bridge 75052

Who is a candidate for Dental Bridges?

Our dentists in Grand Prairie will thoroughly examine your teeth before suggesting dental bridges. If one or two consecutive teeth are missing, then you can definitely go for dental bridges. Apart from this, one must have good overall dental health to have dental bridges. You must not have any prior gum disease. If there is any chance of such a disease, our dentists will see it before going for dental bridges.The teeth with the support of which these dental bridges are to be placed must be strong enough. This will ensure the safe fixing of dental bridges. If you have any older pairs of bridges showing signs of wear and tear, our dentists will replace them for you in the office in Grand Prairie, TX. We recommend dental bridges be placed before any of your teeth start shifting over the empty spaces.

What happens during the Dental Bridge procedure?

After adequately examining, our team of dentists in Grand Prairie will start the procedure by giving anesthesia to where the dental bridge is to be placed. Then the surrounding teeth will be filed to make space for the dental bridge. After that, our dentist will take impressions of your teeth so that an appropriately sized bridge can suit your needs. All this will happen in your first appointment. In the second and subsequent appointment, the well-prepared bridge will be placed on the empty spaces and will be properly fixed by our dentist. You can now brush and floss your teeth as you want. These dental bridges work exactly as your real natural teeth.

These dental bridges will work for more than ten years with proper care. If you are thinking about getting dental bridges and searching for the dental bridges in Grand Prairie near you, contact us to book your appointment with us!